
PGD Cohort 2 Enrolment is live. Call 8100551189 or Request a Call Back.

PGD Cohort 2 Enrolment is live.
Call 8100551189 or Request a Call Back.

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Advanced Loan Default Model

Student loans are frequent due to escalating college costs. Since students may not have credit history, 
banks at times disapprove of granting loans. There are many Fintech companies who offer loans to 
students without credit history. Such Organizations and loan providers must foresee loan defaults to 
reduce losses. This course teaches how to build Machine Learning model from scratch on Real Industry 
Data to help the FinTech companies to reduce their losses.


  • 3 weeks (16 Hours)


  • Instructor led online sessions


  • Coming soon


  • Industry experts with real world experiences


  • Learning hands-on through practical Classification modeling applications


  • ₹ 8000

Your potential future recruiters

Why Learn Loan Default Model From Setu?

Practical skills

  • - EDA & Feature Engineering
  • - Model development
  • - Model Deployment
  • - Model presentation to top management

Industry immersive

  • - Learn hands on
  • - On Real World Use cases
  • - On Real industry data

SETU’s Proprietary IDE

  • - Learn on SETU’s OpenAI integrated proprietary Data Environment

Mentoring & Networking

  • Learn and be mentored by top Data Leaders on the projects.

Problem Solving & Story Telling

  • Solve the case from scratch as if you are the ML scientist of a FinTech company

Peer Learning

  • Peer Learning grows you faster than Solo learning.

Course Curriculum

Week 1

Problem-Solving Approach

  • Problem Statement
  • Approach to solve the problems

Week 2

Data Understanding

  • Data Understanding: Business Perspective
  • Data Understanding: Analytical Perspective
  • EDA & Feature Engineering

Week 3


  • Modelling
  • Feature Selection

Week 4

Model Presentation

  • Presentation of the Model

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