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Sending your resume through LinkedIn? Don't do these


16th March 2023

Ujjyaini Mitra


This is for Candidates applying for jobs through LinkedIn.

I have hired many talented colleagues of mine through LinkedIn connections and LinkedIn channels. Generally the funnel of 'CVs received' to 'shortlisted to speak' to 'finally hired' looks like 100 : 12 : 2. Even then, I try to write back to all 98 people who applied with appreciation for applying and why I couldn't select him/her for the current opening. Many appreciated me for doing so, however, I will agree that it takes a huge amount of time and effort to do so. I feel recruiting is the most human job and thus responding is basic responsibility.

However, both sides are required to share the same responsibility. If you expect a response to your application, you need to understand the truth of the other side too!

Read here the DON'Ts of sharing resumes and applying for a position online.


Don't send a resume with the file name 'resume.docx'.

Your resume is the first impression that you create to a recruiter. If you do not know or show enough attention to name your resume file properly, how could I expect you can do so for your working files? It also shows - this is just another application among many that you mass attempt. A recruiter can't save your resume in a database for any future search.


Don't apply if fitment is hardly any

If your profile even matched 50-60%, you should apply. But read the requirements mentioned in the job post. Recruiters must have thought through before putting specifics. If the role says '7+ years of Analytics experience, with few years in Digital B2C domain' then applying for the role as a fresher or if you have no digital analytics experience, won't make it possible to count you just by mailing your CV. Or you are looking for a role in a completely different team and take this chance to slip-in your resume with the hope that the recruiter will forward your resume to the right team!

In such cases, you may ask through linkedIn or mail if there's any opportunity suitable to your profile. If the recruiter suggests you share your resume, then do. That improves your chances to get selected or receive cross functional recommendation.


No cold email - learn basic email courtesy

An email with your resume attached and blank email body // or a mail body just writing 'PFA' // or 'Here's my resume, do the needful' ... are called 'cold mailing'. You must be receiving calls from many call centre agents, where most of the times the calls go cold and you generally snap the phone. A cold email receives a similar fate.

Your email with your resume is the first communication you are establishing with the organisation or the recruiter. Please have enough respect to at least address the person 'Hi..XYZ'. The best candidates know that even before opening the resume, a recruiter is reading the mail, so they give a short gist of their profile and why (s)he is the best suited to the position. Don't write a long story here, but if there are 4-5 key points which you want to highlight about your profile to catch recruiter's attention, use this space. e.g.

.....'I have 5.8 years of Experience in Business Analytics. Currently working as Sr Analyst at abc company for the last 18 months and excel in user acquisition and their life cycle journey related analysis....' There are candidates who even go ahead and mention their notice period (especially if they have already resigned, and are ready to join by xx date).


Don't pester or nag or behave rude

We are all adults, so let's behave like that. If the recruiter has informed you that the opening in hand may not be the best profile fit with yours, then please don't pester for an interview opportunity. There are times, even if your profile matches, an organisation may not go ahead for an interview. Maybe they have already found someone suitable and extended the offer. Part with a positive note, so that organisation can call you back with another suitable opening! Pestering or nagging or emotional outburst displays your vulnerability and desperateness and reduces your option to receive future calls too. Plus it reduces your bargaining power in future.


Accessible coordinates

Please ensure your email address and mobile numbers are mentioned clearly at the top of the resume. Please don't make them hidden for the sake of designing! If you have mentioned an email id, ensure that you check that mailbox a few times a day or at least once a day. Mailbox is not full and mail is not bouncing back. Same for your mobile number. You should mention a mobile number at which you are available to speak to. If due to network issues (especially these days we face mobile network issues with multiple black spots in office/ home) you are mentioning more than one number, you may mention time range when you are available to speak at those numbers.


Don’t send outdated incomplete resume

If your resume is old and does not have updated information like new projects you are doing, new certification you have just completed, recent awards you have received or recent job that you have changed, it reduces your chance of being considered. Also, if your resume is full of spelling mistakes, grammatical mistakes and sentences or information are incomplete, that creates a bad impression. For example, I received resumes which did not mention from - to timeline for each of the job roles one has done. In one resume, these timelines were wrongly mentioned which almost showed that the person is doing 2 parallel jobs.


In a nutshell, please try to be in the shoes of the recruiters, who also have a tough job to do, and be empathetic. Let's help each other to grow better together.

You have more questions about job applications, resume structuring, please feel free to write to us at mitra@setuschool.com